Professional Development

Turning Point

The "Turning Point" of your professional development will be the smartest investment you make this year! It is a unique opportunity to draw upon the immense reserves of unused potential you have inside.

The Turning Point Personal Development Program

Why are some people more successful than others?

What are the keys to personal leadership and peak performance?

Why are some people happier than others?

Why do some people thrive while offers simply survive?

Throughout history, answers to these questions have been sought by some of the smartest people in every civilisation. These are some of the important questions addressed in our Turning Point personal development program.  The Turning Point is a proven and powerful system that is based on over 30 years of research into what makes people tick and what makes some people more “successful” than most.  It gives you the methods and techniques that will make a tangible difference to the quality of your day-to-day life – both personally and professionally.

Skill development or personal development?

What will give you the most return for your time and money?

The Turning Point will be the smartest investment you make this year! If you want to turbocharge your business, invest in your people’s mental and emotional fitness! The Turning Point will help people thrive at work (and home) and enormously help their sense of wellbeing. It is a unique opportunity to draw upon the immense reserves of unused potential you have inside .

Throughout our lives we are rarely taught how to manage our attitude or our emotions, how to get on with other people or simply to be a happy and contented human being.  We often experience frustration in knowing something is missing from our lives but lack the understanding and skills to change ourselves or the circumstances of our lives.

One Harvard study found that success in the workplace is 85 percent attitude and the remaining 15 percent is smartness and subject knowledge.  But the shocking thing is, we spend 85 percent of time and money on smartness and subject knowledge and only 15 percent on developing a right kind of attitude.  Attitude is one of the most important words in anybody’s life!

Why?  Because your attitude plays a crucial role in every aspect of your life, whether it is personal or at work.  Can any employee become a good employee without having the right kind of attitude? Can any parent, a teacher, a shopkeeper, a boss and a student become excellent in their work without having the right kind of attitude?

Having the “right kind of attitude” has a profound impact on our wellbeing at work and in life, but most people seldom explore, understand and consciously improve their attitude.  To move forward in life and work, we must understand it.  Why do we have the attitude(s) that we have?  Where do our attitudes come from?  Can we change our attitude?

Your attitude stems from your self-concept – change your self-concept and your life changes!

The Benefits of Turning Point

What you achieve is primarily determined by the way you think about yourself, your life, and the people around you.  As you change the quality of your thinking, you will change the quality of everything you do.

The Turning Point is an opportunity to explore all of this.  Ultimately, you will gain the skills and understanding you need to transform the quality of your day to day life

The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channelled towards some great goal.

Plus, you’ll learn how to:

  • Learn to change your thinking and get mentally and emotionally fit,
  • Set meaningful goals
  • take responsibility
  • Create and manage positive change
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Improve relationships
  • Meet challenges and solve problems
  • Stop making excuses and procrastination
  • Manage time and take full control of your work and personal life.

By practising the principles of the Turning Point, your entire life will be transformed.  You will unlock your hidden potential to succeed and achieve more than you thought possible.

Some of the areas you’ll address in the Turning Point include:

  1. The 7 ingredients of success and learn how to enjoy them in your life
  2. Increase your emotional intelligence and learn to express your feelings more honestly, positively and effectively
  3. Boost your understanding of others and improve your relationships
  4. Become more positive, focused and effective in every area of your life
  5. Become more mentally fit and resilient
  6. Become more proactive and less reactive
  7. Catapult your motivation and release the brakes of self doubt and procrastination
  8. Understand the 7 steps to goal achievement in your daily life so you can achieve anything you really want
  9. Become more organised, purposeful and self-directed
  10. Learn how to create the changes you really want – AND MORE!

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